Concise Encyclopedia of Preaching
William H. Willimon and Richard Lischer, editors
Will Willimon and I created the Concise Encyclopedia as a labor of love for the church’s great tradition of preaching. It didn’t turn out to be so very concise! It contains three types of entries: 1) historical, critical, and theological; 2) practical aspects of preaching; 3) biographical studies. With 182 contributors from all over the world, the encyclopedia contains articles from “Acoustics” to “Zwingli,” from “Homiletics in Latin America” to “Harry Emerson Fosdick” to “Delivery of Sermons.”
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From the authors’ Preface
“Anyone foolish enough to prepare a dictionary or an encyclopedia gives too many hostages to fortune. . . . We offer this resource to the church’s preachers with humility—and with the words of Dr. [Samuel] Johnson who, when asked to explain the errors in his recently published Dictionary of the English Language, replied, “Ignorance, Madam, pure ignorance.” (p. ix)
Concise Encyclopedia of Preaching
1995 Book of the Year, journal Preaching